Historic Ordinations

October 27, 2024:  Congratulations to Luke Dowding and Andrea King who were ordained at First Baptist Church Halifax this afternoon.

On September 15, 2024 the First Baptist Church Halifax congregation voted unanimously to ordain Luke Dowding and Andrea King--two Baptist Ministers from the United Kingdom who can not be ordained under the British Baptist Union. 

They both have theological education from respected Baptist theological schools and have completed the baptist ministry formation process of the British Baptist Union of Great Britain but cannot be ordained because they are gay (an openly gay person can be ordained by the British Baptist Union only if they commit to celibacy). This was an existing regulation that was reaffirmed in April by the majority of churches and accredited ministers within the British Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Both Luke and Andrea have been serving the larger church in phenomenal ways, within their churches and through their leadership of OneBodyOneFaith.

Recent discussions identified the possibility of First Baptist Church Halifax ordaining Luke and Andrea and FBCH asked the CABF to establish an Ordination Examination Council to discern their sense of ministerial calling and readiness for ordination.  The Ordination Council recommended both candidates to FBCH, with the resulting congregational decision on September 15th.  The opening and closing statements to the Ordination Council by the Rev. Dr. Rusty Edwards, Senior Minister at FBCH are available at https://fbchalifax.ca/blog/statement-from-rusty/.

A copy of the Ordination Service Program (with photos) is available at https://fbchalifax.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Andrea-and-Luke-Ordination.pdf.

A video of the Ordination Service is available at Ordination of Andrea King and Luke Dowding.

A copy of an article, with a photo from the Ordination Service, as published in Baptist News Global, is available at Two LGBTQ British Baptist ministers ordained in Canada – Baptist News Global.

New Catgegory of Pastoral Accreditation

At the AGM held on September 24, 2024, the members ratified changes to the Policy on Credentials Committee which had been recommended by the Credentials Committee and approved by the CABF Council. 

These changes will establish a new category of accreditation to allow a local church to request recognition of a Local Church Minister.  In some cases, a local church may not have a minister who meets the requirements for licensing or ordination.  However, they have been called to ministry by the congregation and the congregation may wish to have this person recognized as a Local Church Minister.  This would be particularly the case for part-time and multi-vocational ministers whether in a solitary ministry in a small church or those taking a specific ministry roll in a larger church. 

Unlike applications for Licensing and Ordination, which are initiated by the candidate, applications for recognition of Local Church Ministers are made by the congregation and remain valid only while the minister is exercising that role with that particular congregation. 

The Policy on Credentials Committee, which includes this revised text is found on pages 31 to 46 of the updated P&P Manual, is available here.

Here is the Most Recent Edition of The Bulletin

 A PDF copy of The Bulletin is available here. 

Surrey, B.C., Church Switches Affiliation to be More Inclusive

A Surrey, B.C., Baptist church has switched its affiliation to a more inclusive religious group, more than a decade after a gay couple who were members forced a reckoning over how they were being treated.

Full News Story Available Here

Video Available Here  (starts at 18:51)

CCC Issues Call to be Salt and Light

The Canadian Councilof Churches' Commission on Justice and Peace has recently issued a timely call for Christian communities in Canada to be salt and light, and open up space for peace. Mindful of the overwhelming forms of death, suffering, and trauma here and around the world, we share this statement in the spirit of hope and also meaningful action. May we gather ourselves, each another, and with other religious communities to, as the recent statement puts it, "listen to one another’s experiences, acknowledge one another’s hopes and traumas, and step boldly toward a lasting peace with justice."  Read the full statement in Englishand French on their website.

Senior Minister Search

The Kitsilano Christian Community Church is seeking a Senior Minister. The Position Description is available here.