CABF Annual General Meeting 

September 24, 2024 at 7:00 pm (via Zoom)


          [Note: A Link to each report is included below following the Agenda item]

  1. Welcome and Prayer
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Annual General Meeting of September 29, 2023 - see report
    2. Business Meeting of June 1, 2024 - see report
  4. Business Arising from Minutes
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Consolidated Financial Statement - see report
  6. Reports from Council:
    1. President - see report
    2. Publications Committee - see report
    3. Constitution and Governance Committee - see report
    4. Credentials Committee - see report
    5. Finance Committee
    6. Program Committee - see report
    7. Membership Committee - see report
    8. Website Committee - see report
    9. Alliance of Baptists - see report
    10. Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) - see report
  7. New Business
    1. Nominating Committee Report - see report
    2. 2024-255 Budget - see report
    3. Ratification of New Members - see motions here
    4. Ratification of Amendments to the Policy and Procedures Manual.  Resolutions for Ratification available here. Background on amendments available at CABF - Constitution and Policies (
  8. Adjournment
  9. Closing Prayer

 For a copy of the Agenda, please click here






Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms



29 September 2023 at 7:00 p.m.


[Note: Links to reports will be included as received by the Webmaster]

    1. Welcome and Prayer
    2. Approval of Agenda
    3. Approval of CABF Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2022 – click here
      1. Business Arising from Minutes
    4. Treasurer’s Report – Consolidated Statement click here; Banking Summary click here
    5. Reports from Council:
      1. President’s Report – click here
      2. Publications Committee – click here
      3. Constitution and Governance Committee – click here
      4. Credentials Committee – click here
      5. Finance Committee – click here
      6. Program Committee – click here
      7. Membership Committee – Summary click here; 6 September Report click here
      8. Website Committee – click here for report
      9. Alliance of Baptists – click here for report
      10. Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) – click here
    6. New Business
      1. Nominating Committee Report – click here
      2. Budget – click here for report
      3. Ratification of New Members
    7. Other Business/Special Resolutions
    8. Adjournment
    9. Closing Prayer      



Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms

2021 Fall Assembly 


2021 AGM - October 2 at 1 pm

The 2021 CABF Annual General Meeting was held via Zoom Conference Call at 1:00 pm Atlantic Daylight Time on Saturday, October 2nd.

Reports for the AGM can be found in these file


Minutes October 3, 2020 AGM

Publications Committee

Website Committee

Program Committee

Canadian Council of Churches

Alliance of Baptists

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Membership Report

Credentials Committee Report

Constitution/Governance Committee

Budget 2022

Nominating Committee Report

Stategic Plan Support Committee Report